
How Do We Teach Resilience to Our Children?

Unbeknownst to me, he arrived at the wrong school that morning and knew it when they pulled up to the front of Brownsville Elementary School in Bremerton, WA. He let Glenda, the bus driver; know he was supposed to be at a different location. She radioed for permission to take him to his proper elementary school in Silverdale, which is the one he intended to reach that day.

2020-05-03T22:49:53+00:00September 13, 2016|Categories: Patient|Tags: , , |

Spanking and Science Part 3: Medical Literature Opposing Spanking

Reviewing the anti-spanking literature revealed no randomized clinical trials exist proving spanking is ineffective or harmful. Many challenges were identified when drawing conclusions from Dr. Gershoff’s review study. Spanking is defined loosely, making the definition subjective. The research tends to be correlational; therefore, cannot support causation for spanking being beneficial or detrimental.

2020-05-03T22:26:35+00:00August 23, 2016|Categories: Patient|Tags: , , |

Spanking and Science: Part II

Ultimately, the developmental outcome of child-rearing is primarily determined by the overall quality of a parent-child relationship. Non abusive spanking by loving parents who use correct methods were able to achieve effective behavioral management and a rapid re-establishment of affection between parent and child following interventions.

2020-05-03T22:28:03+00:00August 18, 2016|Categories: Patient|Tags: , , |

Love and Hate with Formula 409

“My eyes are burning, oh my eyes. Mommy, help me.” My daughter was upset and screaming in pain. I went tearing out of my room and ran into the bathroom. “Ow, my eyes are stinging.” It was hard to decipher exactly what she was saying besides having pain in her eyes. “What happened?” I asked, thinking to myself, how did you damage yourself unattended in less than 60 seconds? “It sprayed me.”

2020-05-03T22:40:44+00:00August 9, 2016|Categories: Patient|Tags: , , , |

15 Ways You Know Mom is a Pediatrician

“If you get bit by a dog, then you will get rabies.” – 4 year old daughter “You mostly get rabies from bats.” – 7 year old son “Dogs get shots to protect them from rabies.” – 5 year old son “OK, phew.” – 4 year old daughter very relieved “Umm, how about we try to avoid getting bit by dogs?”–Mom preferring prevention strategy

2020-05-03T23:01:07+00:00July 22, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |

The Promise of a Rainbow

Throughout our careers, we are privileged to share in the overwhelming joy of others, yet bear witness to much human suffering that leaves scars on our souls. I wish these parents knew how deeply their son touched us all in the NICU that day. Rainbows are not just a collection of colors as we look out upon the horizon; they are promises for our hearts.

2020-05-03T16:58:58+00:00June 21, 2016|Categories: Patient|Tags: , , |
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