
The ‘Hybrid’ Approach to Universal Health Care

The country bearing the closest resemblance to the U.S. proposal, where decision-making is centralized, is France, where the government is responsible for 77% of total health expenditures. There is an out-of-pocket cost share for patients though it is relatively low, at 7% annually. The Netherlands, Singapore, and Taiwan are also highly centralized; however, they are smaller in scale–with populations similar to that of individual U.S. states – and their relative affluence allows them to sidestep long wait times.

2020-05-26T01:24:37+00:00April 23, 2019|Categories: Patient, Policy|Tags: , , , , |

Pitfalls of a “Medicare For All” Single-Payer System

In a socialist construct, one central power controls the means of production and the goods produced, goods which may someday include U.S. physicians. The Cuban government generates $11 billion annually by “leasing” their physicians out to foreign countries, in order to fund the Cuban national health system, which is “free.”

2020-05-26T02:30:53+00:00April 2, 2019|Categories: Patient, Policy|Tags: , , , , |
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