Sibling Loss

Defensive Hiking and Unintentional Drowning

My heart goes out to the families who lost their beautiful sons. Most of you know my older sister drowned in the waters off Brownsville in June 1975; so this issue is near and dear to my heart. Both young men accidentally slipped and were dragged into fast moving water, known in statistics as ‘unintentional drowning.’

Life Lessons from Memorial Day Past

After having four children of my own, my parenting goals are now simpler than they might have been before this tragic event. The “best-I-can-do” parenting is good enough; everything does not have to be perfect. My little brother grabbed life with both hands and experienced everything he possibly could in the moment. I strive to make the most of each and every day with my children and be grateful for that time, in honor of my little brother. He would not have wanted it any other way.

2020-05-03T16:30:22+00:00May 31, 2016|Categories: Physician|Tags: , , , , |
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